Saturday, March 27, 2010 OR RECOVER BIOS PASSWORD

There are many different ways to remove the BIOS password. You may have forgotten the password of your BIOS . Sometimes it becomes necessary to access the BIOS to change system settings.

OK so how to get back or remove the password

1>The simplest way to remove the BIOS password is to remove the CMOS battery for few seconds. because computer uses this battery to remember its settings and date & time when your computer is turned off.

The CMOS battery is the reason why you always get the correct date and time whenever you restart your PC.So When you remove it from your CPU the computer will forget all the settings which includes BIOS password too.doneSo to reset/ remove your BIOS password you just have to remove this battery once and then put it back after few seconds. (i have tried this many times)

If you don’t know how to do this or if you are not familiar with computer hardware dont try the above trick

you can try using this software - PC CMOS Cleaner

PC CMOS Cleaner is an easy-to-use tool to recover, delete, decode and display the superior passwords stored in BIOS whatever the brand is. Most types of BIOS are supported. It’s an bootable CD that runs on x86 and x86_64 computers. No need to pay expensive fees to experts. It’s a useful tool for users to get their lost BIOS password back, or clean passwords from an old computer bought from others.The download file is an iso file so first you have to burn it on a cd and then boot from that cd to recover your BIOS password.


hi friends some of you want to extract the audio from YouTube and convert to MP3 format.

Even though there are many ways to download content, the P2P is perhaps the most popular and used, there is YouTube so large a collection of music and audio of any kind is almost bound to start when looking for new content there.
And so that no difficulty away to less technical users,
this site is the best
ListenToYouTube is easy to use: just enter the URL of the video from YouTube. With this service is only manage to extract the audio for download in MP3 format.
thats it...................

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Many times we find that the folder options missing in windows explorer

Here is the solution for that
Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".
Now goto
User Configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.

Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen
"Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"

Just check it,

if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured

it will work......

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 USB DRIVES

a simple registry TRICK TO BLOCK USB drives (do it with care)

1. Go to Start –> Run, type Regedit.
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\Servic es\USBStor
3. In the right pane, look for value Start and have value as 0000000(3)
4. Double click on that and change that value to 4.

You might be required to restart the PC, and then you are done with it, USB is now blocked.

In case if you want to get the USB unblocked, just change the value again to 3 ALL APPLICATIONS IN ONE CLICK

You are doing some work on your office or home PC having 10-20 windows open
& You are called for an emergency… What to do now??
how will you close all the windows open

Use Close All.
it is a tiny tool that helps you to close all running applications with one click.
It does not use system resources because it only flashes a “close” signal to all open windows on the desktop and then ceases. Just place a shortcut to the tool in the Start Menu, Quick Launch or elsewhere wherever you want

Download CloseAll here does Window's Product Id get stored

There are two places at least where ProductId gets stored.

1> To see the first place, open Registry by going to START-RUN and entering REGEDIT and Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]. In right pane, look for key by the name "ProductId". This is your Windows Product Id.

2>you can navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] and still find same field with the name ProductId. An "undeletable" File

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.

Or you can try this

Open Notepad.exe

Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is

Choose 'All files' from the file type box

click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box

put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal

Here's a manual way of doing it. I'll take this off once you put into your first post zain.

1. Start
2. Run
3. Type: command
4. To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars stand for your folder)
5. If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder you have to do the following. instead of typing in the full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:\progra~1\kazaal~1
6. Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside.
7. Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt, jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~ and a 1 rule. Example: if your file name was bad file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file should be gone. Make sure to type in the correct extension. PROTECT YOUR FILES & FOLDERS

Some times it becomes necessary to protect very important data or some secret data from others. In such situations My Lockbox can be very useful.

My Lockbox is made for Windows OS and works well in XP as well as Vista. And the most important thing is it’s FREE.
using this You can easily password protect your folders and also make them hidden.These hidden files and folders can not be found even by using search option.

Password protect files and folders

Download My LockBox HERE

Lacuna Launcher.


Each time after turning on the PC we generally open the same set of applications.

just as example after turning on my PC I normally open my Firefox browser, Yahoo Messenger and Google Talk or Winamp to play songs.Time required to open all this programs can be reduced by using a small application Lacuna Launcher.

Lacuna Launcher is a small freeware that can open multiple programs or files with a single click.

After downloading the application unzip the downloaded file. In that files there are two files which are needed. One is list.txt and other is ll.exe. Open list.txt file and put entries for all the programs you want to open with the single click. After making all the entries in list.txt save it and close it. Then click on ll.exe to launch all theprograms in single click. Check out read me.txt file to know more about this tiny program. 
Download Lacuna Launcher here (235 Kb)

An open source alternative to Adobe Reader

Now we have many free alternatives to adobe reader to read PDF files like Foxit Reader, PDF Xchange viewer etc.
all theae softwares are freeware but not open source.
Today I will show you one more free alternative for Adobe Reader which is not only free but also an open source program.
And it is much faster 

It does not provide all the features which are provided by Adobe Reader, but still it’s good because it’s free and it’s much faster.

main features of this reader are:
up to 6400% zoom.
searching for words in the whole document is possible.
Page rotation is possible.
Available in many languages.
It’s simple and starts up very fast.Damn small.
It’s portable. So you can take it with you anywhere you want.
It’s free.
Download Sumatra PDF viewer (1.3 MB)

visit to know how 2 O&O DEFRAGMENTER FOR FREE

if you feel that your PC has become slow than usual
then you need to defragment your drives.

O & O Software is giving away its 11th professional edition of O & O Defrag for FREE!!.

O&O Defrag 11 Professional Edition packs file fragments quickly and securely back together to optimize your hard disk under Windows. Its functionality ranges from a fully automated defragmentation to an individual professional set up.


1. Visit the promotional page.
2. Fill in the details they ask and submit your form.(give your correct email id)
3. You will be receiving an email with your O & O defrag 11 key.
4. Download the trial version of it from here. and then enter that key to activate the full version.

thats it.....................

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

View to know how 2 "Add “Hide File Names” Option in “View” Menu in Windows Vista"

Guys with this 4 simple steps you can add Hide File Names Option in View Menu in your widows Vista...... this trick works only with Windows Vista.

1. Open a folder, in which you want to add this option. If you want to add this option in all folders, then open the parent folder. e.g. if you want to add the option in every folder of E: drive, then open E: drive.

2. Right-click on a blank area in the folder and select “Customize This Folder". You can also get this option from “View -> Customize This Folder.

3. It’ll open “Customize” tab. Now select “Pictures and Videos” option from “Template” drop-down box.
NOTE: If you want to add the option “Hide File Names” to a particular folder then make sure to un-check the option “Also apply this template to all subfolders“, otherwise enable this option.

4. Now Apply it and see the magic.
Now you’ll get an extra option “Hide File Names” in “View“. Which can hide file/folder names in that particular folder.Actually in Windows XP we can hide file/folder names by pressing key and selecting “View -> Thumbnails“. Since they hv removed “Thumbnails” option from “View” menu, I think thats why this option was added to folders having their templates as “Pictures and Videos”.

Adsense Secrets: Getting More Clicks on Your Ads

Adsense Secrets: Getting More Clicks on Your Ads 
Post under Adsense tricks N tips at Thursday, January 28, 2010 Posted by Engr. Muhammad Maroof 
Adsense tricks N tips 
More CTR (Click Thru Ratio) means more clicks on your Google Ads. But, is CTR all about position and colors of your ads? No! It's a lot more than that. CTR also depends upon the quality of traffic, relevancy of ads, and even the subject of your website. Let's get in detail:
Do you own a High CTR website?
Yes! CTR varies from Industry to industry too. It depends upon the keywords you are using to make your web page. It has been observed that more technical the topic is (but not necessarily) less CTR it will give you (for example Search Engine Optimization, Affiliate Network - exceptions are always there), but still works if the Ad content is well written.

However, this is only one condition; there are many undiscovered conditions that affect the CTR of keywords. At times, a particular season also has an effect on the performance of keywords. For example family of 'Turkey recipe' keyword is more active around November and December only and a quite sluggish rest of the year. It becomes really necessary to study the behavior of keywords before starting a massive website of Adsense around a topic. 
Your Ad Position and Color: Old, but very effective
Google heat map helps improve the CTR (Clicks Thru Ratio) of your website by suggesting you the most converting areas for your Adsense Ads. You can have a glance at the Google's Survey that illustrates the ideal placements of ads on your web page.

Darker the area, better will be the performance of your ads. Your visitor tends to click on these darker areas more often than the other areas of the web page. Ads placed near rich content usually do well because users are focused on those areas of your web page. For example, on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the concluding part of high quality content tend to perform well, as the visitors are left with no other choice except clicking the Ad block. 
Get Targeted Traffic - The Most Essential Part
Traffic that is interested in your content (also called targeted traffic) is interested in your ads too. Thus, there is every likelihood that your ads will be clicked more frequently. Targeted traffic means more CTR, more earnings, and enhanced ad convertibility. On the other hand, the untargeted visitors are not interested either in your content or your ads, so keep your website's traffic targeted.

You can gather highly targeted traffic for your website by web promotion strategy and effective optimization of your web page structure. Effective web promotion strategy requires an appropriate Anchor text and more back links from relevant websites. And, to develop an effective web page structure, you have to optimize your Title Text, internal linking of your website, and most importantly your web content, in the best possible manner. 
Choose the Right Anchor Text for Back Link Campaigns
Choosing the right anchor text for back links promotes your website to the traffic you exactly need from the search engines. Choose the Anchor text that directly speaks to your visitors and pulls the traffic that your web page requires. Targeted traffic results in increased CTR of ads. It helps promote your website to that segment of traffic, which is precisely searching for your content (or you can say the traffic that is most profitable to you). Targeting irrelevant keyword reduces your CTR by gathering the traffic which is not interested in your content or ads. 
Wisely Choose the Title Text of Your Web Page
Title text of your webpage appears in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) as the Title link to your web page. Therefore, it is the title Text that directly speaks to the surfer on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) about your content's theme. It acts like a Free Advertisement Link to your website. If your title text does not interest the surfer, you lose considerable amount of much-needed traffic. Figure out a Title text that directly communicates with your potential visitors, brings targeted traffic, and enhances the CTR of your AdSense Ads. Don't overdo your title text, and use less than ten keywords in your title text. 
Help Google Detect the Theme of Your Web Page
There are many on-page and off-page elements that affect your ad relevancy. Better targeted ads increase both your CTR and EPC. Here is how to optimize your ads: 
Meta Tags
If there is NO CONTENT on your web page, the Google Mediabot will consider the Meta Tags while displaying ads. Meta tags have a considerable affect on the relevancy of your ads. It is advised never to leave this space empty. Also, try to make it as easy as possible for Mediabot to understand the theme of your web page. 
Title Text
Google Mediabot gives good weightage to the keywords used in the Title text, which in turn gets reflected in your ads. Choose effective keywords for your Title text. Even the order of words in a keyword can affect the ads that are appearing on your web page. So, choose your keywords wisely. 
Boost Relevancy Artificially - Use Google's Section Targeting
Google Mediabot gives importance to the Heading text enclosed in Boost Relevancy Artificially - Use Google's Section Targeting
Now, you can enhance Ad relevancy by using Google's Section targeting. Using this technique you can advise Google mediabot about the areas of your content which should be considered or ignored while matching the Ads with your content. 

For more information on the same topic, visit: 

For more information on the same topic, visit:

For more information on the same topic, visit:
Use Channels for Analyzing Your Ads' Performance
/bin/ Use Channels for Analyzing Your Ads' Performance
Try to relate your traffic logs with your CTR stats. You will get to know which Traffic source is giving you what CTR. This will help you recognize the traffic segment which is most converting for your website. Channels allow you to analyze your ads' performance, so that you can pin point the changes that your website needs to boost your AdSense income. There are two types of channels available - URL Channels and Custom Channels. You can use the URL channel to track your performance, without modifying your Ad code. Through URL channels, you can analyze the performance of individual page or a group of pages, based on the directory system of your website.

Custom channels can help you measure the performance of different Ad formats presented in your web pages. And, by pasting channel-specific ad code into your pages, you can track CTR, Impressions, number of clicks each individual ad format is generating, and compare its performance with other web pages. 
Block Junk Websites and Competitor Websites from Showing Ads
There are many junk websites that might be displaying ads on your website. These websites steal the traffic from your website and recycle it on their own Adsense ad blocks. Recognize such websites and stick them in Adsense Competitive Ad filter. Also, you can block your competitor websites using this competitive filter. 

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit: 

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit:

This trick can sometimes double or triple your Adsense income, augment user experience, and makes look your Google ads more genuine. For more information about this tool, visit:

How to Avoid Having Your AdSense Accout Banned for Click Fraud

f you trawl through the AdSense message boards you can’t help but come across tales of woe from AdSense publishers that have had their account banned by Google. 
Below is a list of ways people have been banned from AdSense and information on how to avoid it happening to you.

Don’t click on your own ads
The obvious one but still people do it. Google has the IP address of the computer/s that you’ve used to create and check your AdSense account. If it sees that this IP address clicks one of your ads you’re in trouble.
Don’t do it. It’s theft. Not from Google but from the AdWords advertisers.
If you want to go to a site advertised by one of your ads don’t click on it look at the URL of the advertising site at the bottom of the ad and type it into your browser.
If you click on one accidentally (which does happen) you’re probably be ok but it’s worth dropping a quick email to Google with an explanation and apology
Don’t log in to AdSense from a shared computer.
As I said above Google keeps a record of every machine IP address used to look at your account. If you check your stats on a machine then someone else clicks on your ads from the same machine Google sees this as click fraud. Worth bearing in mind when thinking of checking your stats from somewhere like an Internet Café.
Don’t log in to your AdSense account from work.
Apart from getting in trouble with the company that employs you there’s also a further real risk. Most companies use a proxy server to access the Internet. A proxy server with ONE IP ADDRESS. Therefore you checking your ads from work means this proxy IP address being recorded by Google as one that you use. Problem is if there are 1000 people in your company it is the same IP address for them too. Google can’t differentiate between you and the other 999 employees in your company. If one of these 999 clicks on one of your ads it’s ban time.
Don’t get into a ‘I’ll click your ads if you click mine’ agreement with another Webmaster.
As above Google will have your IP address and that of every AdSense publisher. If they see these IP addresses consistently clicking on each other ads it’s goodbye for both of you.
Don’t tell friends and family.
Telling friends and family about your money making websites can lead to problems. Even if you tell them not to click on your ads there’s always the chance that Auntie Maud will think it’s a good idea to make some extra money for her favourite nephew. 100 clicks later from the same visitor and your account is screaming ‘Click Fraud’.
Receiving clicks from illegal traffic
Check the AdSense TOS for sources of traffic that aren’t allowed by Google. These include methods like Traffic exchange, PTC advertising, Auto surf etc.
Do monitor your visitor and AdSense figures
Check your account at least once a day. If you see a massive spike coupled with a massive increase in Page CTR investigate using your visitor stats website. If you see it’s all come from the same IP address you could have been the victim of a malicious attack – inform Google via email and offer them access to your logs.